Montag, 31. Mai 2010

Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010

Haruhi is Overrated Club - #3

..ive also a mental problem.
i look in your club. That where not even friendly!

they make fun of me. :P

no im not angry about yours. and i hate yours not. ive just fun. Yes, me is good.


Haruhi is Overrated Club - Just a bad idea to join it

Hm.. tja war wohl seit langer Zeit einer meiner blödesten Ideen mich in diesem MyAnimeList 'Haruhi is Overrated Club mich zu bemitgliedschaften. Und dabei wollte ich dort gar nichts böses, ist aber wohl alles aus dem Ruder gelaufen.
 Ich dachte.. toll ein bisschen diskutieren wenn man mich schon anredet. Nun ich bin aus diesem Club sowieso verbannt worden. Naja egal. Ich sag immer.. soll wer meint Haruhi Suzumiya hassen.. oder auch nicht da hat ein jeder sein Recht drauf zu machen was er will.
 Also ich hasse diese Leute deswegen nicht. Und ausserdem war ich ja selber Schuld an der Miseere. Ein Positives hattes die Sache ja. Es gab ein wenig zu diskutieren. Und das war es auch schon


Haruhi is Overrated Club - äöiaaaaaöüüllL

Displaying 15 of 36 Comments
Haruhi_Suzimiya | 5 minutes ago
Im not stupid!
...mannohmann oft könnte man durchdrehen

ich muss mich wieder beruhigen.. und dabei hatte ich doch gar nichts gemacht

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 9 minutes ago

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 10 minutes ago

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 12 minutes ago

Torisunanohokori | 3 minutes ago
Fault was a typo on my part. Should be troll-free for real now.

Fayto | 21 minutes ago
Oh mai, the troll is still here? You sure you banned it? *facepalm* ...but i like interesst club and fun
i doing not false's

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 19 minutes ago

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 19 minutes ago

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 21 minutes ago
Troll deleted and banned. Not one with a lot of finesse, either.

Fayto | 1 hour ago
Apparently you haven't watched NGE because you're too busy with your Harushit. yo im so shit.. PUNCH!


Haruhi_Suzimiya | 26 minutes ago
-.-° .. >.<


Haruhi_Suzimiya | 27 minutes ago

Haruhi_Suzimiya | 7 minutes ago
i just troll not!

Torisunanohokori | 13 minutes ago
Troll deleted and banned. Not one with a lot of finesse, either.

Fayto | 1 hour ago
Apparently you haven't watched NGE because you're too busy with your Harushit.

*JusticeGundam | 2 hours ago
Not amused*

*Destroys world*
&& I think you're just making it worse, JusticeGundam.

JusticeGundam | 2 hours ago
zamfdsalfsdx flkdghldkvg lkfdk ld grgef

Haruhi is Overrated Club - Punch!

JusticeGundam | 12 minutes ago
*Not amused*

*Destroys world*
JusticeGundam | 16 minutes ago
nvm, found another one.

"What is it Itsuki? I'm busy having to deal with Haruh's antics


Fayto | 12 minutes ago
There are places for you out there, but this isn't one of them.


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